Compulsory License: A tool to help supplies cope up with demands in the crisis

Compulsory License: A tool to help supplies cope up with demands in the crisis In April, 2021 India got hit by the second wave of Corona Virus spread leaving lacs of people in its wake. For the past few days India has been reporting about 4 lac new cases every single day according to the… Continue reading Compulsory License: A tool to help supplies cope up with demands in the crisis


PATENT LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS : A RUN-THROUGH As a common belief, around 80% of the technological and scientific information contained in patents is not published anywhere else. There are literally millions of published patents and patent applications that are available for review to the public.  This overwhelming treasure of information would only useful be when critical… Continue reading PATENT LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS : A RUN-THROUGH

Pre-Grant Patent Opposition

Pre-Grant Patent Opposition Litigation for invalidating patents can be very lengthy and costly and therefore one way out of such long and expensive remedy is “Patent-opposition”. The Patents Act 1970, provides with two types of patent opposition i.e. “pre-grant” and “post-grant” under section 25 of the Act. The reason as to why these oppositions are… Continue reading Pre-Grant Patent Opposition

Bill to abolish IPAB submitted in the Indian Parliament

Bill to abolish IPAB submitted in the Indian Parliament On 13th February 2021, the Government of India introduced a bill in the Lok Sabha that was titled as the Tribunals Reforms (Rationalization and Conditions of Service) Bill, 2021. Through the introduction of this Bill, the Government is seeking to abolish various tribunals (including the Intellectual… Continue reading Bill to abolish IPAB submitted in the Indian Parliament

INDIA : Fast emerging Hub for Patents

INDIA : Fast emerging Hub for Patents Innovations continue to grow worldwide with the ongoing sparks of technology giving rise to more and better uses of creativity and human intellect resulting in developments in almost every known field of work. Be it science, medicine, machinery, agriculture or even a tool of luxury, mankind has seen… Continue reading INDIA : Fast emerging Hub for Patents

Indian Design (Amendment) Rules, 2021

Indian Design (Amendment) Rules, 2021 The Design Rules, 2021 published by DPIIT under The Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the Official Gazette of India on 25th January 2021 have come into force with immediate effect. A gist of these revised rules is summarized as under: The startup has been recognized as one of the… Continue reading Indian Design (Amendment) Rules, 2021

TRADEMARK AND GST: ‘Clearing the Air’

TRADEMARK AND GST: ‘Clearing the Air’ In present scenario, the goodwill attached to the brands is a vital guiding factor for the consumers to decide on the purchase of the brand products. The role of trademarks in the modern society is dynamic and also the creativity which goes into the development of brands is substantial.… Continue reading TRADEMARK AND GST: ‘Clearing the Air’

The Legality behind N95 as a Trademark

The Legality behind N95 as a Trademark N95, Where N stands for “not resistant to oil” and a capability of filtering out 95% airborne particles, a term and technology we know was adopted and invented in 1970s when Sara Little Turnball invented this phenomena and which was introduced in the market by the giant company… Continue reading The Legality behind N95 as a Trademark

Intersection of Law & Technology: Blockchain & IP

Intersection of Law & Technology: Blockchain & IP Law and technology go hand in hand, apparently when a new technology is developed the law ensures the protection of it. One can surely connote both having an asymptotic relationship. Blockchain-AI convergence is inevitable. Blockchain validates secure storage and sharing of data whilst, AI can analyze and… Continue reading Intersection of Law & Technology: Blockchain & IP


CHANGING TRENDS OF PATENT FILING DURING AND POST PANDEMIC Talking about the trends of patent filings in India, in the past decade or so, there has been a drastic raise in patent filings. Marking its impact in the competitive era, India has witnessed increased innovations in turn driving the growth in patent filings. Recent patent… Continue reading CHANGING TRENDS OF PATENT FILING DURING AND POST PANDEMIC